Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lake Swan Camp... Wow.

This past few days has been absolutely chaotic, and yet I am totally ready to do it again next week. God has been teaching me a lot lately. He is progressively bringing me to a place where I can be content with the way things are now, knowing that with His timing better things will come. I have full faith in what God has told me so far, and I can't wait to hear what else He has to show me before this summer is up.

I know that there is so much left to learn, and a lifetime to learn a little bit of it. I think that these weeks at Camp are going to be good. Brutal to my body but good for my mind. Every day this week when it came time to sleep I pretty much collapsed and was gone instantly. Sleep is good.

I have really enjoyed working with the people I have, and can't wait to get to know them better.

That's all I can think of right now, my ability to focus is kinda shot right now.

Happy Father's Day Dad! and God!

Grace and Peace

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