Thursday, August 2, 2012

We Were Wrong

I begin this post with hesitation and a little bit of trepidation.  It's easy to be passionate about something that a lot of people can get behind, but it is hard to confront people when you feel that they are in the wrong.  That being said, I want everyone to know that this is not written out of ignorance, hatred, etc.  I fight for Truth, and I feel that it was overlooked yesterday.  Let's begin.

I am appalled.  The more I think about it.  The more I research both sides opinions.  Chik-fil-a day should never have happened.

The fact of the matter is, this was never about freedom of speech.
This was never about toys.
This was never about faith.

When the first outcry happened after Dan Cathy spoke his opinion openly, it was about a group of people who have already been victims of inequality in so much more than just marriage.  It was about the fact that Chik-fil-a has funded millions of dollars to organizations that view homosexuality like this:

Criminalize, cure, and deport homosexuals.  I'm offended that anyone would be OK with this.  This individual isn't the only one who says it either, check out another individual's blog post.

I'm posting these links because I want it to be shown that I'm not just making this up.  People are really hurt right now.  People that we, as Christians, have been called to love.  

This isn't about Chik-fil-a.  
This isn't about one man's opinion.
This is about something bigger.

Whether right or wrong, the LGBT community is greatly offended by the actions of a franchise because they felt that those actions have further encouraged the outright hatred that has been shown to them over these many years.  Don't believe me?  Check out these statistics on just bullying in schools!

What was the Christians response?

"Support family values!  Buy a chicken sandwich!"

I can't help but scoff at this!  Family values?  I don't know about my readers, but to me a real family value would be standing up for people who are unjustly persecuted.

Same Sex Kiss Day came about as a response to Chik-fil-a day.  In the end, I feel that it was the Christians then who made the first move.  We started the war.  We caused more unnecessary bloodshed (metaphorically speaking).  And we will suffer the consequences.

Because now when LGBT community sees pictures like this:
and this:
What they are seeing, feeling, and interpreting is this:
and I can't support that.

Because for me this shouldn't be about who is right and who is wrong.
This should be about showing love and support even when you don't agree.

Because in the end, the only thing we did by having a "Chik-fil-a" day was look and sound like this:
And I know, no one wants that.

If you do, I am deeply deeply concerned.

Grace and Peace.


Unknown said...
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Intuxas said...

Awww, you didn't even give me a chance to read it! You know it's ok to disagree with me right?

Callie said...

Thank you for this post. Thank you for listening. Thank you for getting it. Thank you for saying something about it once you got it.

My heart has been utterly and completely broken this week as I've watched my GLBTQ friends wander around with agony in their eyes. As one who loves Christ and wants to love as he did, I have been sick to my stomach that so many Christians REFUSED to hear the heart-breaking cries of a group who have been tortured and marginalized throughout history. I am grieved that we allowed ourselves to march into battle to preserve our rights-rights that were never in jeopardy in the first place-while completely ignoring the carnage and destruction we left in our wake. God have mercy.

I hope that others will be able to actually hear your words and understand the pain that real human beings are suffering on account of the events of the last couple weeks. The LGBTQ community was ignored, but perhaps you and others like you will not be. Thank you for advocating for the "least of these" and having the humility to speak up on their behalf.

shelly said...

Yes. This. So much. *nods* Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Excellent insight. Very Jesus like. Good man.

Unknown said...

So beautifully put. I don't understand hate. I don't and I don't want to. We are all one. All God's children. There is no other truth. That's all I can understand and your blog post said so well what I feel about this issue. Sharing with my friends, with your permission. Thank you again.

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