Monday, September 24, 2007

Are You A Good Person?

I realize that my concerns for my family and friends on this issue may be unnecessary, but still I feel that I must post this for fear of my own conscience exploding.

Whether you believe a Christian, or not, the problem still remains. Are you really?

Let me just ask a few questions. I ask them because we will all be judged by God on Judgment Day according to the Ten Commandments, and it will be those very things that will condemn us to Hell.

Do you think you have kept the Ten Commandments?

Have you ever told a lie? That would make you a liar.

have you ever stolen anything, regardless of size or value (pen from work, answers off another persons test, cookies when mom wasn't looking, etc.)? That would make you a thief..

How about adultery? Jesus himself said, "You've heard it said in days of old 'you shall not commit adultery', but I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust is guilty of adultery with her in his heart." Are you guilty of lust? Then you are an adulterer.

Have you ever used God's name in vain? That is called blasphemy. We are using the name of the very God who created us and gave us life and substituting it for some 4 letter word to describe disgust or filth.

So if you admit to these things, then you would be a lying thieving blasphemous adulterer at heart, and God is going to judge you according to that on Judgment Day. If you were judged today do you think you would be innocent or guilty? Would you go to heaven or hell?

If you think you would go to heaven, let me ask you something. If something was stolen from your house, would you want that person to come under justice and be punished for his crimes? If the judge is a good judge he will do just that, how much more so will God judge us for every little thought, action, even every word? God is furious with us and our sin.

If you are going to Hell then are you concerned about it? Do you not fear your very life and the eternal consequences of your heinous crimes against God? Do you want to change that?

God sent His one and only son, Jesus, to die on the Cross for the crimes, the sins, of the world. He died to save you from the destiny of eternal punishment, and torment in Hell. All He asks you to do is to repent and have faith in Him. Have faith in the one who saved you and confess Him as your Lord and Savior.

If you are truly repentant then God will hear your prayer and enter into your life, saving you from most certain death.

Again, maybe my concerns are unneeded, but I would hate to see you burn eternally in Hell when I knew I could do something to change it. I would hate to see you in eternal punishment period.

Thanks for reading through this all the way. I hope that it has helped you, and if you already are a born-again believer, share this with those who aren't.

Much Love to you all.

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